I will stand in front of the lift buttons on the ground floor of the Mondrian building, in my regular clothes. As students or staff approach the lift, I will say that I’m not allowing them to access the lift from this floor because it’s an artwork. Depending on their response, I may explain that it’s a performance work, it will last for 20 minutes, and alternative options would be to wait or take the stairs.
- If they want to know the logic behind this performance, I can explain to them that I am trying to demonstrate how people are forced to adapt to inequitable decisions made by those in power.
- If they question my authority, I can explain that I am a Fine Arts student who has permission from the head of school to obstruct the elevator buttons for a 20-minute duration.
- If they aren’t ok with waiting or taking the stairs (which may be expressed verbally or in their body language), I will ask if they are ok, and if not, I will allow them to access the lift.
- If the elevator door is already open, I will not stop them from entering because I am only obstructing the elevator buttons in the ground floor foyer. The teachers and my five classmates will be watching the performance.